Welcome to our Support Community!

Welcome to our Support Community!

Hello everyone.

We are glad to announce the launch of our Support Community for you, our esteemed customers out there!

This Community helps us to share and collect feedback, resolve problems you encounter while using our supported products or engaging with us on the services we provide, and discuss on related topics for you and other customers to get help faster.

Let's say you have a challenge with a supported product and we help you overcome this challenge, we can share guidelines here so that other customers can learn and get help as well. On the other hand, if you discover workarounds to challenges you have encountered, sharing is caring when you post them here.

You can post 4 types of content within this community. These are Ideas, Questions, Problems and Discussions. Each of these serve their purpose. We have created some forums we think would be helpful to you. These include:
  • General Discussions - To discuss anything not covered in other topics, especially when you're not certain about which forum to post the topic. We would assist with classifying your post.
  • Product Onboarding Guide - To discuss all concerns with setting up products. Guides and remarks would be shared here to help everyone using the products concerned.
  • Training / Support Feedback - To discuss all training or support related concerns. In the case that training or documentation is needed for a product or feature, please discuss that here.
  • Bug Reports in Supported Products - To share reports of bugs in any of the products we support. Please note that we would not receive new bug reports here. You report must have a progressive ticket before it can get approved here.
  • Technical Challenges with Code - To discuss code-related challenges with any of the products we support. We would only approve your post when we see the work you have done so far and how progressive you have been. 
  • Discovered Workarounds - To share workarounds you have implemented for any of the products we support. We would evaluate each post before approval to be certain about your innovation.

When you have something to discuss with us, you can post a discussion within the community. It's a great way to share feedback and collaborate. You can choose any of the forums that fit your concern so the right people can look in there to assist.

You can ask specific questions about your business concerns but please DO NOT share private information on our public forums. We can answer questions right there and stay committed to your success. However, if we discover private information is shared, we might restrict your access to the forums even after removal. Even if it's your personal information, we would do this to protect you.

We might mark your questions as 'answered' when we find that you are satisfied so that others can discover your solutions.

Here is a guide on how to interpret your posts:
  • Ideas from you often guide us better on how to support your business. Feel free to share your ideas within the community. Let others vote on your ideas so there would be real democracy within the community.
  • Questions often lead to progressive conversations so we look forward to hear yours. Ask relevant questions on the product you use so people can understand your perspective better.
  • Problems are issues that you face when you interact with Zoho products. You can describe the exact problem(s) you face and we would give you actionable insights. You can convert 'problems' into support tickets so we can promptly provide status updates.
  • Discussions are open conversations on a subject for the purpose of sharing or gaining insights. Whichever side you belong, we would appreciate conversation starters often with a good nudge and in some cases, deal compensation.

Are you willing and ready to join our community? Go ahead and share a post on a topic of your choice.

Let's connect with you and together, let's help each other, including customers like you.

You are welcome once again. Cheers!